Monday, 25 November 2013

Soalan Percubaan Kertas 2 Geografi Penggal 2 STPM 2013

Click the link


Saturday, 12 October 2013

Isu Konflik Kuil Preah Vihear

Extra knowledges for Pengajian Am(PENGGAL 3)


Kuil Preah Vihear

Pada tahun 1962, berlaku pertikaian hangat antara pihak Thailand dan Kemboja mengenai pemilikan kuil Preah Vihear. Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa di Hague memutuskan bahawa kuil berkenaan adalah milik Kemboja. Sejak itu dunia mengiktiraf kedaulatan Kemboja ke atas kuil Preah Vihear.
Bagi Kemboja dan Thailand, adalah amat merugikan sekiranya kerjasama ekonomi dan kestabilan hubungan politik yang dicapai selama ini terhakis kerana isu yang dianggap kecil berbanding dengan masalah-masalah lain yang mereka hadapi, dan ia telah lama diselesaikan mengikut undang-undang antarabangsa.

Binomial expansion (from wikischool)

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Isu Kepulauan Spratly


Friday, 16 August 2013

Perlindungan Hutan

Rangka Pengenalan

Sebuah planet yang sihat memerlukan hutan yang sihat. Hutan membantu dalam mengawal cuaca dengan cara menyerap dan menyimpan karbon dioksida. Menurut Organisasi Makanan dan Agrikultur Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (FAO), dalam masa 5 tahun terakhir ini, bumi telah kehilangan sebanyak 37 juta hektar hutan.

Kesan Negatif Penebangan Hutan

  • Hidupan liar kehilangan habitat. Akibatnya kepupusan flora dan fauna berlaku.
  • Keseimbangan gas karbon dalam atmosfera terjejas. Kandungan CO2 semakin meningkat.
  • Rantaian makanan di kawasan hutan terjejas.
  • Pembalakan yang tidak dikawal menyebabkan kawasan tadahan air terjejas.
  • Kehilangan kayu keras berharga.
  • Spesies haiwan dan tumbuhan terancam.

Kaedah mengatasi Kehilangan Kws Hutan

  • Penanaman semula pokok hutan secara berterusan dan terkawal - mengelakkan kepupusan dan ancaman spesies pokok hutan untuk jangka panjang.
  • Menjalankan penguatkuasaan yang lebih berkesan. Contohnya, mengenakan hukuman yang lebih berat kepada mereka yang sengaja menebang hutan secara haram dan mencemarkan alam sekitar.
  • Menjalankan kempen pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan hutan bagi menlindungi, merancang dan mengurus sumber semula jadi agar kekal berterusan.
  • Menjalankan byk aktiviti penyelidikan hutan supaya dapat membantu dan menambahbaik cara atau kaedah penjagaan hutan secara berkualiti.

Rangka penutup

Pembangunan pesat yang berlaku telah mengancam kedudukan dan keadaan semula jadi di hutan.
Jika pembasmian hutan terus berlaku, dua pertiga daripada spesies di hutan hujan tropika akan pupus sebelum kita berjaya menemuinya menjelang tahun 2025.
Pengawalan perlu dilakukan melalui penguatkuasaan undang-undang dan kerjasama drpd semua pihak bagi membendung kemusnahan hutan yang berterusan.
Dieditkan dan ditaip oleh Angela
Sumber: Era Hijau 2-2011 muka surat 6 dan 7

Monday, 12 August 2013

Hard work pays off in the future

There is no secret to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

Nobody gets to write your destiny but you.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Check sem 2 result~~

STPM 2013 TERM 2 RESULTS (15th. July 2013)
Check the semester 2 results by SMS, type STPM Result [I/C No.] and send to 15888.
Check online at
SMS on 12:01 am & online on 12.00 pm, 15th. July 2013.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Answer+Total performance of candidates (Mid-Year and End-Year 2011 MUET)

mid-year MUET 2011
end-year MUET 2011

It;s about the performance of candidates for each MUET paper 800/1, 800/2, 800/3, 800/4 of mid-year and end-year of 2011.


Sunday, 16 June 2013

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan M'sia-2013-2025 Ringkasan Eksekutif BM

Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia-2013-2025 


  • Akses
  • Kualiti
  • Ekuiti
  • Perpaduan
  • Kecekapan


Enam ciri utama yang diperlukan oleh setiap murid untuk berupaya bersaing pada peringkat global.
  • Pengetahuan
  • Kemahiran berfikir
  • Kenahiran memimpin
  • Kemahiran dwibahasa
  • Etika kerohanian
  • Identiti nasional

Sebelas anjakan untuk transformasi sistem

  1. Menyediakan kesamarataan akses kepada pendidikan berkualiti bertaraf antarabangsa
  2. Memastikan setiap murid profisien dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris
  3. Melahirkan rakyat Malaysia dengan penghayatan nilai
  4. Transformasi keguruan sebagai profesion pilihan
  5. Memastikan kepimpinan berprestasi tinggi ditempatkan setiap sekolah
  6. Mengupaya JPN, PPD, dan sekolah untuk menyediakan penyelesaian khusus berasaskan keperluan
  7. Memanfaatkan ICT bagi meningkatkan kualiti pembelajaran di Malaysia
  8. Mentranformasikan kebolehupayaan dan kapasiti penyampaian kementerian
  9. Bekerjasama dengan ibu bapa, komuniti dan sektor swasta secara meluas.
  10.  Memaksimumkan keberhasilan murid bagi setiap ringgit
  11. Meningkatkan ketelusan untuk akauntabiliti awam secara langsung

# Pengajian Am Penggal 2- soalan struktur ( Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia-2013-2025
perlu diambil perhatian kerana belum keluar dalam STPM 2013 Penggal 2 ataupun 2013 Ulangan 2)

BM version: Click me! ^^
English version: Click me~

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

How to avoid exam stress

1. Be prepared and make a plan.

Make sure you know how you will be examined, and what you'll be examined on. If you can, get a copy of the syllabus. Catch up with anything you've missed, so that you've got all your notes up to date. Find out about the resources available to help you.

Create a revision timetable that's realistic and still flexible, and linked to your exam timetable, so you revise subjects in the right order. Make a list of all the topics you need to cover. Estimate how long you think it will take you to revise each one, allowing more time for things you find most difficult. 

2. Focus. 
NO distractions! Stay away from distractions that could cause loss of concentration or unwanted anxiety. 

3. The power of positive thinking
Picture yourself getting a big fat A and visualize this over and over in vivid detail. If you maintain a positive, 'I can do it' attitude building up to your exams, your stress will be transformed into positive energy that can be harnessed to enhance your performance.Spend time with people who have a positive effect. It will rub off on you.



Saturday, 20 April 2013

Cabaran dalam pembangunan ekonomi negara

Krisis kewangan Asia 1997


Pada 1997, Malaysia memiliki defisit akaun mata wang melebihi 5 % KDNK. Pada bulan Julai, ringgit Malaysia diserang oleh penyangak mata wang. Malaysia menambat mata wangnya pada 17 Ogos 1997 selepas ringgit jatuh menjunam. Empat hari kemudian Standard and Poor's menurunkan rating hutang Malaysia. Seminggu kemudian, agensi rating tersebut menurunkan rating Maybank, bank terbesar Malaysia. Pada hari yang sama, Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur jatuh 856 mata, titik terendahnya semenjak 1993. Pada 2 Oktober, ringgit jatuh lagi. Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad telah memperkenalkan kawalan "modal".

Pada 1998, pengeluaran di berbagai sektor menurun iaitu sektor pembinaan menyusut sebanyak 23.5 %, pengeluaran menyusut 9 % dan pertanian 5.9 %. Keseluruhan GDP negara menurun sebanyak 6.2 % pada tahun 1998. Tetapi Malaysia merupakan negara terpantas pulih daripada krisis ini dengan menolak bantuan IMF.

sumber: Kewangan Asia_1997

Monday, 25 March 2013

STPM Mathematics S Past Year Question

*no working solution, no answer will be provided.
*from year 2002 to year 2010

Friday, 15 March 2013

Pengurusan hutan secara mapan

Pengurusan hutan secara mapan (Sustainable Forest Management-SFM):

Pengurusan hutan untuk pelbagai kegunaan yg akan memberi manfaat kpd ekologi, ekonomi, alam sekitar, sosial dan nilai budaya untuk generasi kini dan akan datang.
Kepentingan pengurusan hutan dan peranan hutan dalam mengekalkan kepelbagaian biologi sudah diperakui secara global.

Sebanyak 60% (19.52 juta hektar) daipada negara ini masih diliputi hutan hujan tropika:

  • 14.39 juta hektar diwartakan sebagai hutan simpan kekal
  • 3.21 juta hektar sebagai kawasan terpelihara

Pengurusan secara mapan berpandukan prinsip kemapanan

  • Mengenalpastikan kawasan" Hutan Pengeluaran" dalam kawasan hutan kekal untuk pengeluaran balak secara terkawal.
  • Pengeluaran balak dilakukan secara berkala- membolekan pemulihan semula kawasan yang telah ditebang.
  • Pemantauan ke atas kawasan hutan pengeluaran.
  • Aktiviti2 yg menyumbangkan kpd pengeluaran balak dan hasil hutan dijalankan secara teratur supaya tidak menjejaskan ekosistem hutan.

Dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke-9, kerajaan Malaysia mengambil langkah untuk memperkasakan pengurusan sumber hutan secara mapan seperti berikut:

  • Pemeliharaan produk hutan
  • Pemeliharaan kawasan tadahan air
  • Pelancongan ekologi
  • Pembuatan produk herba dan perubatan
  • Carigali biologi ( Bio-prospecting)

Sumber: Era Hijau 2011

Teknologi Enjin Hibrid


  1. Penggunaan teknologi hijau seperti enjin hibrid adalah pilihan sumber bahan api bagi mengurangkan pergantungan kepada petrol dan diesel.
  2. Teknologi enjin hibrid sudah dimajukan oleh beberapa generasi automatif dunia dan terbukti berhasil melahirkan kenderaan mesra alam.
  3. Teknologi hibrid ini didefinisikan sebagai penggunaan kenderaan yang menggunakan dua atau lebih penggunaan gabungan bahan api dan kuasa elektrik untuk menggerakkan motor kenderaan sekaligus menjimatkan minyak serta dapat mengurangkan penghasilan asap yang terlalu banyak.

Perbezaan di antara kereta elektrik dan kereta hibrid

Kereta elektrik

  • Motor elektrik menerima tenaga yang disimpan atau dicas di dalam bateri
  • Bateri perlu dicas apabila tenaga susut.
  • Jarak penggunaan bateri lebih terhad.

Kereta hibrid

  • Mempunyai enjin pembakaran dalaman yang digabungkan dengan motor elektrik atau penjana kuasa.
  • Tidak memerlukan bateri dicas semula kerana proses tersebut berlaku semasa kenderaan bergerak.

Keistimewaan kereta hibrid

  1. Kadar pelepasan asap iaitu gas karbon monoksida kereta hibrid 80% lebih rendah daripada kereta konvensional.
  2. Berupaya bergerak sejauh 80 hingga 161 km sebelum perlu dicas semula.
  3. Kos penjagaan dan penyelenggaraan yang tidak tinggi kerana motor dan bateri kereta hibrid tidak memerlukan penyelenggaraan dan boleh digunakan sepanjang hayat.
Sumber: Era Hijau 2009

Friday, 8 March 2013

MUET Writing Task 2

* You are expected to write an essay of not less than 350 words.

1. Read and study the question carefully to look out what is required.

2. Plan your time. Keep calm :)

3. Organize your points. This is very important and can save you a lot of time.

3. Make use of linkers or connective words to connect the ideas in your essay.

check this out 》》》 common connective words to be used

4. Once you have finished your essay, check for the spelling. Make sure there is no grammatical errors.


HOW to prepare task 1??


Saturday, 2 March 2013


MATHEMATICS T [ chapter 3 integration ]

》》》 integrating trigonometric functions

-introduces formulas and rules

-exercise with working solution. 

Hope this helps! :)

(Math T) Integration

Pdf file:
u can view or just simply save it to your computer.

NOTE: These MATH T notes are a little bit complicated ...

Wednesday, 20 February 2013



sample pbs sejarah

mengenai adat perkahwinan Melayu....
minta maaf, saya tak ambil subjek ini...jadi saya tak jelas tentang pbs sejarah...
I hope that this post can help u.
Good luck.

Chemistry periodic table

Designed to make learning chemistry much easier and a whole lot more fun!!

wikiChemistry Chemistry Reference


Monday, 18 February 2013


How to prepare for task 1?

  • Become familiar with graph types.
  • Do practice exercises describing graph.
  • Become familiar with the ways to:-express percentages, number& statistical data, trends and make comparison between data.
  • Practice language that: -describe how something works,makes reference to the graphs/figures and explaining sequencing in process.

Tips on how to do task 1

*Spend 5 min reading the graph/ figures.
*Make sure you understand the axes.
*Make sure you follow the lines on graph.
*Focus on the key information.
*If 2 graphs, compare.
*Think about the time period- tenses!!
*Vary your vocabulary.
*Organize your information clearly.
*Write neatly.

* Count the number of words. (150-200 words)

shows- exhibit- depicts- displays
considerably- substantially
According- Based on
fairly- moderately- reasonably
dramatically- severely
similar- same
cases- occurrences- incidents 
Ranges- varies
An average- A mean
In conclusion- lastly

》》》MUET Writing Task 2

Saturday, 2 February 2013


MUET 2013
March Session
July Session
November Session
Registration opens
29 October 2012
1 April 2013
8 July 2013
8 January 2013
(Candidates who wish to improve on their
MUET November 2012 test scores)
6 May 2013
(Candidates who wish to improve on their  MUET March 2013 test scores)
19 September 2013
(Candidates who wish to improve on their MUET July 2013 test scores)
Registration closes
16 November 2012
(All types of candidates)
19 April 2013
(All types of candidates)
25 July 2013
(All types of candidates
14 January 2013
(Candidates who wish to improve on their
MUET November 2012 test scores)
13 May 2013
(Candidates who wish to improve on their  MUET March 2013 test scores)
26 September 2013
(Candidates who wish to improve on their MUET July 2013 test scores)
MUET Speaking Test Dates

19, 20, 21 February 2013
25, 26, 27 February 2013

1, 2, 3, 4 July 2013
9, 11 July 2013
21, 22, 23 October 2013
28, 29, 30 October 2013
Written Test Dates
9 March 2013
20 July 2013
23 November 2013

Common connective words to be used

My personal view is that...
It seems to me....
I tend to believe that...
I am one of the opinion that...
In my experience....

Generally speaking,
On the whole,
By and large
Often/ frequently/ sometimes/ usually

For example,
For instance,
A good illusion of this is
If we take an example
Evidence for this is provided by
We can see this when
To illustrate

in addition
as well as
and then
not only ... but even 
besides this/that

To summarise
In conclusion
On balance
This is a complex issue with no clear answer

In summary
To sum up
To conclude

Should young people take a year off after form six?

In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Should young people take a year off after form six? Give reasons for your essay. Write at least 350 words.

Taking a "gap year" off between high school and university has become a popular option among many young people. This time off provides a break after many years of formal study.


Some students use this time to travel around the world, others volunteer and still others begin working.
The idea behind each of these activities is to do something hands-on and refreshing, which enables school leavers to learn more about themselves and their place in the world around them.The benefits of taking year off are plentiful.
Firstly, on a personal level, students who travel away from home develop their independence and self-confidence. They learn about viewpoints, traditions and perspectives different from their own. Professionally, students get a taste of diverse workplaces, which might inspire a possible career interest. Intellectually, they examine their own beliefs and ideas in relation to those of others in a new environment. All these advantages combine to make a strong case for taking the one-year break.


There are dangers involved in taking such a long break. Academically, the main drawback is that students can get a sidetracked from their studies. A year is a long time and students could lose the good study habits and sense of discipline they had when they were in a formal academic structure. If they begin working, they could also be deluded into thinking that they are making a lot of money. They could lose the benefits of college or university education and the chance to earn a higher income all their lives.


Each young person should consider his or her motivations carefully and decide on what is most desirable.
Time is precious resource and people of all ages, including young people, so we should treat it with respect.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Was life for young people in Malaysia better in the past than it is today??

Was life for young people in Malaysia better in the past than it is today??

Clarification of terms
-life: standard of living/ way of life
-young people: children, teenagers, young working adults
-better: comparative term>>> one is superior to the other
-past: period which is not recent

Possible points

Yes, life for young people in Malaysia was better in the past than it is today 

  • Life was less stressful and moved in a slower pace.
  • Higher stress is linked with not only physical but also psychological ailments like depression, hence the incidences of young people committing suicide due to inability to cope with studies, relationships, etc.
  • Work: The working environment was less competitive. Today, though jobs are more specialised, the truth is people need to be able to multi-task in order to stand out among others.
  • The cost of living is lower in the past as compared to the present.
  • Young people were contented with the simple pleasure and entertainment in life.

Yes, life for young people in Malaysia is better today than it was in the past.

  • Due to globalisation, Malaysia is influenced by trends in other parts of the world and has become more opportunities now. There are more opportunities open to different sectors of the youth population.
  • Education: Many educational initiatives introduced to empower the young in this modern age.
  • The standard of living is higher today.
  • Ease of spending: many young working adults own credit cards.
  • Though life may appear more stressful now, the range of entertainment and leisure activities that young people can choose to engage in has increased.
  • People are more able and willing to pamper themselves.

The word "failure" should never be used in education

The word failure should never be used in education.

1. There must be different definitions of intelligence and different indicators for measuring achievements and standards. It is unrealistic to expect students of different learning abilities to conform to standardised measures.

2. The impact of being labelled a failure may backfire or have a stigmatising effect that is hard to overcome.
Students might be psychologically scarred. This may slow down his or her future development ( academically, emotionally and socially).

The word failure can be used in education.

1, Being able to recognise and live through a situation when one has failed when one has failed will make the person tougher.

2. Failure prepares the person for the real world.

3. When people fail, it could be due to other reasons other than academic ability. These reasons can range from lack of preparation to poor language skills to a case of underestimating the demands of examination.

4. When the reasons for failure has isolated, it is easier for people to take remedial/ corrective measures to right the situation.
-Getting the person to acknowledge that his actions cause the situation will force him or her to take responsibility for such future situations.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Pandangan Mengenai Tingkatan Enam

Pandangan Mengenai Tingkatan Enam

this is definitely a good article, it is so true~~Therefore I share with u all~~^^
Happy studying!! >3<


click this to see sample pbs!!!

Contoh Tajuk:


( ) u can modify it!

Hope u like it. :)

Monday, 14 January 2013


Visit this website 

to check out the test's date and time by insert your I/C NUMBER. 
hope this helps.:D

Friday, 11 January 2013

Preserving the environment is more important than economic development

Preserving the environment is more important than economic development. Do you agree?

Agree: Preserving the environment is more important.


 1. Environment: levels of pollution are high; resources will be irreplaceable if depletion rates are not lowered.
-If the current levels of pollution are left unchecked, the planet may not be able to sustain life in a few generations' time.
-Economic development and affluence would be valueless then.
-The loss of clean air and water and the depletion of sources such as food and fuel, together with drastic climate changes will make survival very difficult, if not impossible.

2. Preservation of historical sites: Loss of culture and history.
-If sites and buildings of historical significance are sacrificed for the sake of new developments, part of the history and heritage of place will be LOST, and such loss is irreversible.
- People gradually lose their sense of history, identity and belonging as their city looks more and more like any other city which is bent on development and modernizing.

3. Demolishing old buildings may eventually cost society more than embarking on a new development
- Preserving old buildings can create more employment and increase local household income more than the building of new developments.
- The employment created can be of longer term benefits as related industries such as heritage tourism can flourish.

4.Disregarding environmental preservation affects economic growth
-How much society can sustain economic growth actually bears a co-relation to environmental preservation and prudence in the use of resources.
Environmental degradation can result in high costs to economic growth.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

1Malaysia Book Vouchers (BB1M 2013)

The RM250 Book Voucher 2013 for students will be officially distributed this February 2013 !!!

The voucher's value have been increased from the RM200 previously to the current RM250 under Budget 2013.

The RM260 Million allocation for 1 Malaysia Book Voucher 2013 will benefit all Malaysian Students in Tertiary Education (Local Public & Private University / Colleges / Institute), Matriculation as well as Form 6 Students. 

This initiative will allow the 1.3 million higher education students to get better access to books & stationery that would help ease their burden throughout studies.

Bear in mind that the book vouchers cannot be exchanged with cash / exchanged with other unrelated goods with third parties. Action will be taken towards any individual that abuse the usage of BB1M.

# Expected Distribution Date / Month of BB1M: February 2013

# Expected Book Stores that accept 1 Malaysia Book Vouchers (BB1M):
Borders Bookstore / Popular Bookstore / BookXcess / MPH Bookstore / Kinokuniya

Share this with your friends now.Hope this helps. :)

Read more:



MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 1st Booklet
Your college is organising a youth seminar. You are invited to submit some
relevant topics for the seminar.

Discuss which of the following is the most relevant topic for the youth seminar

i. ‘Graduating with a degree can help one’s future’
ii. ‘Young people should serve their community’
iii. ‘The importance of teamwork’
iv. ‘Being optimistic’

MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 2nd Booklet

Discuss which of the following is the most important factor which contributes to
good performance in examinations.

i. Self- discipline
ii. Parental support
iii. Experienced teachers
iv. Peer influence

MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 3rd Booklet

Discuss which of the following is the best way to help a country that has just faced a catastrophic natural disaster.

i Donating a large sum of money
ii Sending food and supplies
iii Providing medical services
iv Sending experts to look for survivors

MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 4th Booklet

Discuss which of the following is the most effective way to prevent burglaries.

i Fasten all doors and windows securely
ii Install a burglar alarm
iii Organise a neighbourhood watch programme
iv Keep the emergency numbers of the police

MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 5th Booklet
Which of the following is the greatest act of kindness?

i Sending an injured motorcyclist to hospital.
ii Cheering up the elderly at the old folks’ home.
iii Helping disaster victims rebuild their village
iv Sponsoring the education of an orphan

MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 6th Booklet

Discuss which of the following is the most useful source of information to help you make your decision on higher education?

i Talking to family members and relatives.
ii Going to education and career fairs.
iii Sourcing for information from the media
iv Seeking advice from the career guidance counselor

MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 7th Booklet

Discuss which of the following is the best way to save money.

i Spending less on entertainment
ii Spending less on shopping
iii Growing one’s own vegetables
iv Using public transportation

MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 8th Booklet

Which of the following is the greatest advantage of being able to speak more than two languages?

i It is an advantage at work.
ii It is an advantage in the community.
iii It is an advantage when traveling.
iv It is an advantage when purchasing items.

MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 9th Booklet
Discuss which of the following groups needs the most help and support.

i The elderly
ii The disabled
iii Children
iv Women

MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 10th Booklet

Discuss which of the following is the most significant improvement in pre- university education.

i Teaching and learning activities have become more interesting
ii Educational institutions have better facilities and equipment.
iii There are more opportunities to further one’s studies.
iv Educational loans and scholarships can be obtained.