Tuesday, 30 April 2013

How to avoid exam stress

1. Be prepared and make a plan.

Make sure you know how you will be examined, and what you'll be examined on. If you can, get a copy of the syllabus. Catch up with anything you've missed, so that you've got all your notes up to date. Find out about the resources available to help you.

Create a revision timetable that's realistic and still flexible, and linked to your exam timetable, so you revise subjects in the right order. Make a list of all the topics you need to cover. Estimate how long you think it will take you to revise each one, allowing more time for things you find most difficult. 

2. Focus. 
NO distractions! Stay away from distractions that could cause loss of concentration or unwanted anxiety. 

3. The power of positive thinking
Picture yourself getting a big fat A and visualize this over and over in vivid detail. If you maintain a positive, 'I can do it' attitude building up to your exams, your stress will be transformed into positive energy that can be harnessed to enhance your performance.Spend time with people who have a positive effect. It will rub off on you.



Saturday, 20 April 2013

Cabaran dalam pembangunan ekonomi negara

Krisis kewangan Asia 1997


Pada 1997, Malaysia memiliki defisit akaun mata wang melebihi 5 % KDNK. Pada bulan Julai, ringgit Malaysia diserang oleh penyangak mata wang. Malaysia menambat mata wangnya pada 17 Ogos 1997 selepas ringgit jatuh menjunam. Empat hari kemudian Standard and Poor's menurunkan rating hutang Malaysia. Seminggu kemudian, agensi rating tersebut menurunkan rating Maybank, bank terbesar Malaysia. Pada hari yang sama, Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur jatuh 856 mata, titik terendahnya semenjak 1993. Pada 2 Oktober, ringgit jatuh lagi. Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad telah memperkenalkan kawalan "modal".

Pada 1998, pengeluaran di berbagai sektor menurun iaitu sektor pembinaan menyusut sebanyak 23.5 %, pengeluaran menyusut 9 % dan pertanian 5.9 %. Keseluruhan GDP negara menurun sebanyak 6.2 % pada tahun 1998. Tetapi Malaysia merupakan negara terpantas pulih daripada krisis ini dengan menolak bantuan IMF.

sumber: wikipedia.org/wiki/Krisis Kewangan Asia_1997